Monday, 29 September 2014
Friday, 26 September 2014
mise-en-scene still image
still image

the setting of this image is on a main road and this builds expectations of danger and getting to some where in a short period of time, the man is wearing red and black which could also indicate danger and, the calmness of society as the clothing is very casual and down to earth. you can see his mucles and veins which symbolise his strength and power, maybe an indication to how determined and dedicated he is towards what ever he is captivated in. His facial expressions also highlight and enforce the fact that he is determined to do what ever he has been set out for. the background is blurred because of the pace is moving at but also to show emphasis on him only.
the setting of this still image is in a normal home town by the lake, this is a great place where protagonists usually sit by to think thoughtful thoughts or spend their time. the water is calm this could reflect on the characters emotions, calm and happy with each other this indicates hints of love. The male character in the image is wearing a suit and tie and looks fairly smart, this could demonstrate his feelings to come across as serious and that he's not fooling around about their relationship. The female has a wire going across beneath her nose and we can infer that she is not well, regardless of this they are still happy, this could portray that the feeling of happiness does not have to be with materialistic proof. Both the characters facial expressions are cheerful, this could highlight and represent their relationship. some parts of the background are blurred, this may be to add emphasis on the fact that nothing else matters but the happiness of the two.
the purge
The setting of the image is unknown, this automatically seems mysterious and may leave questions in the minds of the viewers, then we come to think of why he is wearing a mask and not a doctors mask or a niqab but an unusual mask that is only seen in the circus and amusement parks. also we see that he is wearing a plaster on his finger this may be because of some vulgar rough activity. He is also wearing a hooded jumper which people use when they are working out or are training, all of these questions the arise in our minds. what is he training for? is it dangerous? why is he covering his face for no apparent reason? where is he? why is his whereabouts anonymous? why does his hand look like its about to grab something? as all of these questions are unleashed to the viewers it creates fear of him in us. nearly everything in this picture is unknown even his facial expressions, and this is not backed up so it definitely creates a sense of fear. On his mask it says 'God' and God to the believers of God is omnipotent ,all powerful and its like the man in the image is illustrating and claiming that he has all power. this makes us think, is he abusing the power he has?
the hangover
This image shows a man with large headphones wearing mufflers over them. the fact that he is wearing mufflers is because he wants to listen to his music in peace without any distractions however the humour of this is that, it doesn't work like that. its just a creative thought and idea and is not scientifically proven. this makes us think hes funny because he doesnt know that it wont work. what emphasises on the humour is the props, he is wearing smart clothing and you'd think he supposed to be smart and would know that the theory of the mufflers will not work. in the background there is a lady laughing, now we dont know if shes laughing at him or something else but this also indicates and foreshadows that this film is full of laughter and hysteria.
Monday, 22 September 2014
mise en scene
Closeness- expresses the love and connection they have
she is touching him- highlights closeness
lips in position of kissing- communicating though actions
Image 2:
-in disgust-
-tightly compressing teeth in anger or fustration
Image 1:
-sat in different places far apart however they are looking in the same direction sense of similarity and connection regardless of distance.
-far apart ,small area- immature
Image 2:
-standing close together- team
-tilting or leaning shows closeness and that they have eachothers back
1. dark room,
emphsis on sword because of candle lit, sword emphasises danger
shady areas- mysterious and evil lurking
props add to scene we can tell where its from (what era)
2.bright- friendly welcoming environment
boats props and clothing -emphasise and add to the scenery, age and time.
blue background- calm cool scene not much to discover just peaceful and tranquil.
The carabean sea -
lighting location
colour blue
natural and bright scenery tranquil and happy
emphasise on purity and comfort of the area,
- high light important characters and objects etc.
- looks shady and mysterious by shading
- low-key -back lights, sharp in dark areas, deep distinct shadows silhouettes
- high-key- natural, bright, sunny
- reflects the characters mental state- bright happy ,dark disturbed, strobe confused
- manipulate audience
- building certain expectations
- not just backgrounds
- status
- personality
- job/employment status
- tells us when it was set
- culture
- society
- certain costumes can signify certain individuals
- clear indicator to how someone feels
- body language
Closeness- expresses the love and connection they have
she is touching him- highlights closeness
lips in position of kissing- communicating though actions
Image 2:
-in disgust-
-tightly compressing teeth in anger or fustration
- drawing our attention to something else
- use position to indicate relationship between people
Image 1:
-sat in different places far apart however they are looking in the same direction sense of similarity and connection regardless of distance.
-far apart ,small area- immature
Image 2:
-standing close together- team
-tilting or leaning shows closeness and that they have eachothers back
1. dark room,
emphsis on sword because of candle lit, sword emphasises danger
shady areas- mysterious and evil lurking
props add to scene we can tell where its from (what era)
2.bright- friendly welcoming environment
boats props and clothing -emphasise and add to the scenery, age and time.
blue background- calm cool scene not much to discover just peaceful and tranquil.
The carabean sea -
lighting location
colour blue
natural and bright scenery tranquil and happy
emphasise on purity and comfort of the area,
Monday, 15 September 2014
the background is a dark complexion as this emphases on the 'badness' on it however this is contrasted by the facial expressions on the face of MR T as they are over exaggerated and this adds humour to the media image. the humour attracts a large number of audiences as this makes it more fun and appealing to younger audiences. the text 'get some nuts' is encouraging and motivating and this causes all types of audiences to ponder on what the chocolate may do. this also makes it more appealing to younger audiences as this may give them strengthen and power and again creates a 'club' where only some people can come into, and this makes children want to be a part of this group. the picture of the chocolate is close up which highlights the importance of the chocolate bar. The setting is a kind of street life setting due to the wall and this may be because many young people find this setting more attractive and may find the chocolate bar attractive too. From this we can infer that the connataion for this could be that people who are brave and strong, such a people from the army hence the jacket MrT i wearing, could add a strong image of bravery to attract youngsters who wish and aspire to be courageous. Conversely, some may say that the jacket approves of violence and rivalry which come from people of a criminal background. The fact that hes pointing and has his hand held up high may depict abusive body language and could be looked at from a negative light (hull). The chains he is wearing also represent a very gangster background which many many people find inappropriate and disgusting behaviour. The chains could also negatively symbolise materialism.
50 cent
The advert as a whole is in black and white. which emphasises the dull and seriousness of the brand, its for a selective serious group of people which may attract attention as youngsters would want to be in that group, especially because 50 cent is in the picture and is an inspirational person to many young people. Black is also associated with elegance, formality and power, this could add a very high class affect on the image overall. there is also white in the image which is associated with purity and goodness. The lighting and zoom is particularly on his face outlining his cheek bones and makes his facial expressions more prominent which emphases on the strength and power of the image reflecting this quality on the brand. The lighting is also making his muscles and veins stand out more and muscle comes with hardcore work and dedication which also highlights that the bran rebok is for this particular group of people who have what it takes to be a part of this movement or social group, the fact that you can see where he got shot and see that he is still alive also shows that he can win the challenge that society or people may place on him which comes across as something powerful, great and inspirational. The quote 'i am what i am' promotes individuality and courage as he will continue to stand for what he believes and live his life according to his own set of rules and will not comply with what anyone else thinks or believes and this takes great courage so he is portrayed as a great individual and this ironically encourages youngsters to copy this and be like him by purchasing their items from rebok. The font this is written in is old fashioned, which denotes a sense of history and that this sort of individuality will make history and that our struggles will be appreciated further on in time. some may say that the finger prints highlight criminal records and evil vile aggression mostly associated with inappropriate behaviour ,however i think that the finger prints denote individuality and difference. It shows us that no matter what you are or where youve come from you can also make a mark and not just follow the crowd like a heard of sheep, additionally it emphasises on originality and distinction.
Film poster analysis part2
Sin city:
In this poster the fact that nearly all the characters have guns could show a link to assassins as guns are usually their weapon of choice. The film also seems to be an action/thriller of some sorts because of the use of colours, particularly red as it signifies blood so there might be a few deaths involved over the course of the film. It also has a rainy effect to it which suggests it will most definitely not be an uplifting film. The target audience could be teenagers possibly over 15 as the poster seems quite grim and the use of lighting which is dark and gloomy could indicate it's use of violence.
Dead man's chest:
the poster seems to suggest the film will be about pirates and also possibly war or at least revenge of some sorts, judging by the burning ships in the background. The colours and the style indicate an old fashioned setting dating back centuries perhaps as the background image seems to be painted in oil colours as opposed to the real life stills of the actors. The genres could be fantasy as pirates of the sort depicted in the poster are usually make believe. The target audience could be 12+ or anyone who relishes adventure and fantasy which the film seems to offer plenty of.
the poster seems to suggest the film will be about pirates and also possibly war or at least revenge of some sorts, judging by the burning ships in the background. The colours and the style indicate an old fashioned setting dating back centuries perhaps as the background image seems to be painted in oil colours as opposed to the real life stills of the actors. The genres could be fantasy as pirates of the sort depicted in the poster are usually make believe. The target audience could be 12+ or anyone who relishes adventure and fantasy which the film seems to offer plenty of.
Million dollar BABY:
the film judging by the poster could be about some sort of penance or atonement and trying to put things right. The fact that the main subject of the poster is a girl dressed in sports attire could be playing homage to changing attitudes towards females taking part in sports. The colours, which seem to throw a shadow on everything but the girl, could indicate she is an example of hope. The target audience could be anyone into sports dramas as sport seems to be one of the main themes of the film. The genre could be drama because the gaze of the actors seems to be focused on something in the distance which they have to face which gives it a dramatic air.
I'm not scared:
the film could be about facing up to fears and doing what is morally right, because of the contrast between the perfect summers sky to the deep, dark and almost bottomless hole in the ground, which suggests that the boy has a chance to leave the hole far behind. The fact that the title of the film is on the hole indicates the boy is willing to step out of his comfort zone. The target audience could perhaps be people who are looking for a film that has a mysterious side to it and also to be taken out of their own comfort zones and delve into their own fears in a way. The genre could be thriller because of the sense of not knowing what awaits the boy looking down into the hole.
Blade runner:
I think the film could definitely be very action related purely because it has weapons such as guns and props in the field of war, terror and also conflict, this can be inferred because weapons are usually used in rivalry and destruction. The lighting also has a huge impact on how a person judges the film, in this particular poster the back ground is subtle and and plan black with stars in the sky which is perfectly normal however it is obstructed by a large bright yellow light which beams out on the corner of the poster, which could suggest that there will be abnormality and a disruptive change in the film. The facial expression on the male characters face could also imply on pressure, eagerness and a sense of fright that cannot be avoided and has forced him into this agonising dispute. The text is very small however 'BLADE RUNNER' has a larger font size and is written in red which may emphasise the words 'Blade' and 'Runner'. Blades are usually used to rip brake or cause destruction which may reflect on the theme of the film, the word 'Runner' could lead us to believe that in this film there is a constant need to run away, this is normally to get away from something someone is feared from or would like to avoid maybe because its dangerous. The fact that it is written in red could emphasise death ad bloodshed as blood is red. Overall I think that this film is targeted at a teenage male audience.
i think that this film is revolved around romance purely because of the title it has been given 'bride' this is usually associated with weddings and love. however I think that there could be a twist of comedy in it due to the facial expressions of the characters they do not look like they are about to get wed. overall i believe that the genre of the film is romantic comedy. Additionally we can also see that this film is funny because it says so on top of the title. The target audience would be young people who may be looking for love or just looking to have a laugh. the colours and contrast of the film poster is bright and attractive this implies that its there for fun and entertainment in a rather lively way.
Straight away the colours suggest a sad, gloomy, hopeless atmosphere, as they are grey black and white and some dull green. the film looks like it has a realistic genre and could actually be based around lonliness as the man is standing on his own away from the rest of civilisation and residential area. the fact that he is wearing a coat could emphasise on how cold it is this pathetic fallacy, he might have a cold mood because of how the rest of the world has treated him. The use of clouds covering the area could suggest how something is covering up and clouding his feelings hence the reason he is alone. the target audience could be an older more, mature audience as the film seems as though there is a lesson to be learnt from it, the word UZAK is in turkish so it may attract people who are interested in turkish culture etc.
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