one of my favourite clips was from the best year 12 cinematography, called Identity. This becasue of the great use of camera framing. shot reverse shot was used to suture the moment and identify with the character. The dramatic long and short shots, point of view shots. Additionally the camera movement reinforced the mysteria into the clip.
Another one of the media clips that had interested me was the carnage which won the sound design. Throughout the clip the sound was parallel to the narrative which created an structured solid atmosphere which keep the audiences attention focused on the clip, furthermore the diagetic sounds made it realistic and created an effective affect.
The third best clip i chose was, Breaking cycles due to its film editing. The slow motion jumping emphasises the hastiness of the scene, the camera movement of the clip was also great as we got to look at the surrounding through the protagonists perspective which did allow the audience to emphasise with the characters and create identification.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Monday, 20 October 2014
narrative-RolandBathes Todorov VladimirPropp
Roland Bathe:
Enigma code:
the actual 'rule' that anyone is allowed to do anything they want arises questions about, what people will do? what extent will they go to to? will they be safe? will they die? will their loved ones live?
Action code:
the shootings and violence are the action codes, because it leaves a sense of physical revenge.
Todorov Equilibrium:
Equilibrium: The atmosphere and setting of America before the purge, being to live without this 24 hour law.
Disequilibrium: The 24 hour purge
New Equilibrium: after the purge, when everyone gets back to normal and killing is no longer legal.
Character theory Propp:
the villain: all the people who have set our to take revenge or want to kill people.
the donor: the people he is helping are actively also helping in the resolution.
the princess: the female her sister and the couple that the hero is trying to save. (a group of people)
the dispatcher: the person who sends them into the task is actually partly the two females granddad and also the hero who finds it in himself to help, on a humanitarian basis.
the hero: the protagonist is the main character, the man helping the group of people survive and assists them in keeping alive.
the false hero: the family they go to, to seek help and shelter for a while, assuming its safe at her house.
enigma code: The changing and different ideas towards women and marriage in the film.
action code: The hatred that builds up by Elizabeth from Darcy
Equilibrium: the hints of love in the beginning
disequilibrium: the pompous and materialistic attitude of Darcy and her mother towards marriage
the villian: wickem (darcy before he changes)
the princess: Darcy- changing his character
dispatcher: her father mr Bennet
the hero: Elizabeth
the false hero: Wickem who elopes with her sis and lies about Darcy
enigma code: the fact they like each other but cannot be together
action code: her telling him she loves him and they have a plan
equilibrium: meeting at the ball
disequilibrium: they cant be together because her father doesn't like him
new equlibrium: him asking for he hand in marriage
villian: her dad
princess: taylor swift character
hero: the boy
Friday, 17 October 2014
cool brands
They are iconic sweet treats, distributed globally. I chose krispy kreme as a brand i personally admire, this is purely because of their uniqueness, quality of products and way of presenting their food. I believe that something that is really worth while and something that truly has excellence does not need to be very apparent on the media and show some sort of advertisement not much, because they know their product is worth it even though its not hugely advertised. One of their brand values is elite people or experts, this is because only people who can afford it will be able to attain the product, additionally because they have a skilful way to produce their product. although they are a food company they are still able to fit into Dyers category of 'self importance and pride', this is because of how much they value their products and show effort and endeavour when working.
I chose The O2 simply because of its involvement with the community and the ability to reach out to people to preform different activities and encounter different additionally they have environmental values and responsibility towards the community, evidently some of the ways they elevate these values are by save energy. Recycling. Reducing waste. Travel planning. This link to Dyers lines of appeal such of happy families as it emits a sense of being welcome and supporting every individual.
Sleek, stylish design combined with powerful, ground breaking technology make Apple’s range of products iconic must-haves around the world. They fit into some of Dyers lines of appeal, these are rich luxurious lifestyles which are aspirational to the public due to its excellence and how the company evolved successfully, this also comes hand in hand with successful careers due to the same reason, moreover the lines of appeal of , elite people or experts can also be one of Dyers lines of Appeal as people who want to buy a product from Apple have to be well off and financially stable in order to purchase any of their items.
Sleek, stylish design combined with powerful, ground breaking technology make Apple’s range of products iconic must-haves around the world. They fit into some of Dyers lines of appeal, these are rich luxurious lifestyles which are aspirational to the public due to its excellence and how the company evolved successfully, this also comes hand in hand with successful careers due to the same reason, moreover the lines of appeal of , elite people or experts can also be one of Dyers lines of Appeal as people who want to buy a product from Apple have to be well off and financially stable in order to purchase any of their items.
close up
from this picture, a viewer will be able to see that the expression that this character is giving is that of remorse or even guilt. it seems as though the character has given up whatever they were trying to do. the color grey makes the image look bleak, which could be how the character is feeling.
from this picture, a viewer will be able to see that this character is in a good mood. this can be seen by the small smile on the characters face as well as the background which is bright and could possibly be reflecting the characters feelings.
medium shot
this medium shot has a character holding a weapon in his hand. the character has a confused look upon his face as well as what seems to be the expression of anger. the image itself is blurred out apart from the character so that the viewer may be able to focus on that.
the character in this picture is holding a weapon with a seemingly smug look upon his face. the clothes he is wearing is fitting towards his surroundings which could be because this is the enviroment that he is used to.
extra long shot
in this picture, we can see a person on a small bridge surrounded by water. the water is a "cold color" of green as well as the moss on the building. this is complementary with the man wearing blue. this may have been done so that the viewer may see that this is the charecter is ell suited with his surroundings.
this high angle is effective as it make the character seem vaulnerable and in a low and easy place for him to be attacked. the fact that the charecter has his hand up make the viewer fell that they are about to be attacked.
this low shot is effective as it make the character seem far more taller than he actually is. this also emphasises on the characters exeptional muscle tone and makes them seem more tougher and stronger.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Monday, 13 October 2014
brand values
Debenhams :
1) The Mac brand is a very popular high class, artistic make up brand that draws its attention to many females from ages 15-60. The brand values its quality and class which promotes constricted but unique items which a variety of textures and colours. MAC could definitely fit into many of Dyers lines of appeal as it includes, beautiful woman as it advertises the make-up through the features of females furthermore, elite people or experts- using this kind of intricate make-up is usually used by people with a skilful artistic approach. Self-importance and pride is also a main aim to MAC .
2) MAC is about beauty and presentation in a unique way.
3) desirable
Dove :
1) Dove is a very popular everyday product which is usually for people who care about the cleansing of their skin, as Doves products consist of high quality items such as soaps, creams etc. Dove fits in to many of Dyers lines of appeal such as, beautiful women as it portrays women to be beautiful and simply good looking after using their products, elite people, so people who have an average/high class job could afford this instead of using everyday average soap. another one of dyers lines of appeals that fit into this brand is self importance and pride, because essentially it is important to take care of your self and this product produced by Dove is a higher quality which connotes self importance and getting the best.
2)Dove connotes the presence of elite body care

1) Mc Donalds is extremely globally popular, it provides food for all meals of the day. Mc Donalds is highly known for its great quality of food, from abundant burgers for lunch to delicate smooth doughnuts for your afternoon tea. Mc Donalds is not classy and luxurious however it full fills our everyday needs with great standard. Mc Donalds fit into the 'Happy families' lines of appeal by Dyer, this is because it is family friendly and supplies food for a variety of ages from children to the ageing. Additionally it could also slide into successful careers as it boosts people up for their everyday work. this makes the audience relate to the audience.
2)Mc Donalds are about serving good quality garnished food.
1) Sony is a very popular and famous brand known by many people. Sony is also uniquely positioned to be the leading electronics and entertainment company in the world. It comes under several lines of appeal of Dyers. The first one is successful careers, this is because it started up in 1946 were technology from Sony was not recognised and though hard work and determination they are one of the most famous in the world. Furthermore Sony also falls into the category of 'art culture and history' as one of its most famous, currently item is a camera and this is a form of art.
2) The sony brand is where
3) Motivation
1) apple is a world wide popular brand which provides expensive elite hardware. It links to some of Dyers lines of appeals to create identities and attract an audience. some of them fall into categories such as, elite people or experts this is because their products are expensive and for higher class people who can afford technology like this. Additionally this also falls into the category of Successful careers because the founder of Apple worked from nothing to a such a big role in our society today, he is an inspiration to us all for successful careers.
Friday, 10 October 2014
feedback and learner response
WWW: Good advert analyses - in the 50 Cent advert particularly you make some relevant, insightful
EBI: Overall, your blog is a little worrying - a lot seems unfinished or carelessly presented. Your
Institution presentation doesn't include the Powerpoint OR the WWW/EBIs that you were to write
up based on your own reflections (and my feedback). Media language isn't highlighted. A lot to
improve on... One quick win would be to use paragraphs in your analysis. It will force you to write in
more depth and detail, helping you to reach higher grades.
LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is
your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
my strongest piece of work so has been on lighting and mise en scene as i have expressed the picture in a variety of ways, my weakest piece of work so far,
EBI: Overall, your blog is a little worrying - a lot seems unfinished or carelessly presented. Your
Institution presentation doesn't include the Powerpoint OR the WWW/EBIs that you were to write
up based on your own reflections (and my feedback). Media language isn't highlighted. A lot to
improve on... One quick win would be to use paragraphs in your analysis. It will force you to write in
more depth and detail, helping you to reach higher grades.
LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is
your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
my strongest piece of work so has been on lighting and mise en scene as i have expressed the picture in a variety of ways, my weakest piece of work so far,
Monday, 6 October 2014
HIGH BROW-intellectual or rarefied in taste. : not interested in serious art, literature, ideas, etc. ;relating to or intended for people who are not interested in serious art, literature, ideas, etc.
LOW BROW-not highly intellectual or cultured.a person who possesses or has pretensions to superior learning or culture.
- Public Service Broadcasting is a London-based pseudonymous musical duo consisting of J. Willgoose, Esq. on guitar, banjo, other stringed instruments, samplings and electronic instruments; and Wrigglesworth on drums, piano and electronic instruments.
- This influences what appears on National Television because it creates a mood for the viewer and it creates a certain atmosphere and makes the viewer feel the way the the programme wants them to feel eg. uplifting music or slow boring music and affects.
Our flagship TV channel broadcasts a wide range of popular programmes across a range of genres including news and current affairs, drama, comedy and entertainment.
BBC One's remit is to be the BBC's most popular mixed-genre television service across the UK, offering a wide range of high-quality programmes. It should be the BBC's primary outlet for major UK and international events and it should reflect the whole of the UK in its output. A very high proportion of its programmes should be original productions.
there is a mixture of different themes on BBC ONE. A typical audience, would be young adults or an older audience for both male and female, for all classes that can afford a television. BBC ONE is a free satellite channel so it will not be too hard to access.
BBC Two is a mixed-genre channel appealing to a broad adult audience with programmes of depth and substance. It includes the greatest amount and range of knowledge-building programming of any BBC television channel, complemented by distinctive comedy, drama and arts programming.
The TV channels main aim is to create a high brow affect, as it triggers you to think about a variety of topics and idea's. A typical audience is the older generation.
Award-winning documentary maker Adam Curtis has been commissioned to produce a major investigation into the world economy in the 1990s for a flagship new BBC 2 series,writes Leigh Holmwood
Award-winning documentary maker Adam Curtis has been commissioned to produce a major investigation into the world economy in the 1990s for a flagship new BBC 2 series, writes Leigh Holmwood
Curtis, who has become known for combining heavyweight intellectual analysis with basic story-telling, will look at the major economic issues that shaped the decade, such as in Britain's case its withdrawal from the European exchange rate mechanism.
channel 4 is considered as high brow.A typical audience for channel 4 would be the older generation or older students both male and female, mostly a more well off class.
ITV Studios is the Group's international content business. It is the largest production company in the UK and produces programming for ITV’s own channels and for other broadcasters such as the BBC, Channel 4 and Sky. ITV Studios also operates in five international locations, the US, Australia, Germany, France and the Nordics, producing content for local broadcasters in these regions. This content is either locally created IP or created elsewhere by ITV, mainly the UK. We have made a number of acquisitions in the UK, US and the Nordics as we look to build our international business. Global Entertainment, ITV’s distribution business, licenses ITV’s finished programmes and formats and third party content internationally.
some major stars associated with itv are:
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