HIGH BROW-intellectual or rarefied in taste. : not interested in serious art, literature, ideas, etc. ;relating to or intended for people who are not interested in serious art, literature, ideas, etc.
LOW BROW-not highly intellectual or cultured.a person who possesses or has pretensions to superior learning or culture.
Our flagship TV channel broadcasts a wide range of popular programmes across a range of genres including news and current affairs, drama, comedy and entertainment.
BBC One's remit is to be the BBC's most popular mixed-genre television service across the UK, offering a wide range of high-quality programmes. It should be the BBC's primary outlet for major UK and international events and it should reflect the whole of the UK in its output. A very high proportion of its programmes should be original productions.
there is a mixture of different themes on BBC ONE. A typical audience, would be young adults or an older audience for both male and female, for all classes that can afford a television. BBC ONE is a free satellite channel so it will not be too hard to access.
BBC Two is a mixed-genre channel appealing to a broad adult audience with programmes of depth and substance. It includes the greatest amount and range of knowledge-building programming of any BBC television channel, complemented by distinctive comedy, drama and arts programming.
The TV channels main aim is to create a high brow affect, as it triggers you to think about a variety of topics and idea's. A typical audience is the older generation.
Award-winning documentary maker Adam Curtis has been commissioned to produce a major investigation into the world economy in the 1990s for a flagship new BBC 2 series,writes Leigh Holmwood
Award-winning documentary maker Adam Curtis has been commissioned to produce a major investigation into the world economy in the 1990s for a flagship new BBC 2 series, writes Leigh Holmwood
Curtis, who has become known for combining heavyweight intellectual analysis with basic story-telling, will look at the major economic issues that shaped the decade, such as in Britain's case its withdrawal from the European exchange rate mechanism.
channel 4 is considered as high brow.A typical audience for channel 4 would be the older generation or older students both male and female, mostly a more well off class.
ITV Studios is the Group's international content business. It is the largest production company in the UK and produces programming for ITV’s own channels and for other broadcasters such as the BBC, Channel 4 and Sky. ITV Studios also operates in five international locations, the US, Australia, Germany, France and the Nordics, producing content for local broadcasters in these regions. This content is either locally created IP or created elsewhere by ITV, mainly the UK. We have made a number of acquisitions in the UK, US and the Nordics as we look to build our international business. Global Entertainment, ITV’s distribution business, licenses ITV’s finished programmes and formats and third party content internationally.
some major stars associated with itv are:
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