Friday, 30 January 2015
research magazine covers

Ill Manors - Music Video
How is it typical of a music video?
There was a montage with Plan B in different locations, with lots of interactive active body language, which engages the audience. Another typical element is that the artist is part of the video preforming within various similar context. It includes many different types of shots, close ups are used to express the characters emotions and convey their attitude towards the narrative. Additionally long shot and medium shots are used to display the local surrounding, this interlinks with Medhursts theory of short hand, this is to convey parts of the narrative in this particular music video, a council estate is shown as well as run-down ally ways etc. Furthermore he displays real life situations, with characters preforming in a few shots creating a short narrative to suture and understand the lyrics better and become more interactive. Frequent motifs such as young people was constantly shown moulding a statement of innocence towards them. When he was on the rooftop the it was lip-synced, for the lyrics and vibe to be more effective and powerful.
How does it represent the London riots/rioters?
In the music video the rioters have been shown in a positive light, and have their reasons expressed for the their actions, they more explicitly blame people with more power for what has happened. They believe that they have been left with no choice but to express them selves in this way and therefore do not take responsibility for the riots. The video had a shot of a news paper with 'kids scum of the earth' printed on it, this insinuates that they are displaying youths in a negative light as villeins. In the music video Plan B refers to the community centre being shut down, as the cause of the riots, he believes that people with more power have triggered these actions by closing down something they had considered their lively hood, something that would keep them off the road life.
What audience pleasures does it offer?
The uplifting background music keeps the audience engaged with the lyrics, however they lyrics is very interesting its self, there are a lot of play on words that make it creative, furthermore the ideology is relate-able to many people in London and this also captures the attention of many youngsters. The audience pleasures it offers are portraying council estate brought up children in a
How does the music video help to promote the film?
The video helps to promote the film through Short hand (Andy Medhurst) this is conveyed by displaying the some of the shots from related scenes in the film, this gives the audience an insight about the film. The fact that the riots are shown in the music video portrays that subversion of a dominant ideology will be challenged, which is coherent with the film. The logic and perception towards certain people are similar and gives you an insight on his political beliefs of Plan B and which his incorporated into the film. Stereotypes are reinforced through the lyrics by Plan B sarcastically and deliberately overstates the meaning of chav and says 'Oi look there's a Chav, council housed and violent.' This implies that there is binary opposition as he is taking a side and mimicking the stereotype.
How does the music video help to promote the film?
The video helps to promote the film through Short hand (Andy Medhurst) this is conveyed by displaying the some of the shots from related scenes in the film, this gives the audience an insight about the film. The fact that the riots are shown in the music video portrays that subversion of a dominant ideology will be challenged, which is coherent with the film. The logic and perception towards certain people are similar and gives you an insight on his political beliefs of Plan B and which his incorporated into the film. Stereotypes are reinforced through the lyrics by Plan B sarcastically and deliberately overstates the meaning of chav and says 'Oi look there's a Chav, council housed and violent.' This implies that there is binary opposition as he is taking a side and mimicking the stereotype.
Thursday, 29 January 2015
MEST2 Print brief

2) Write a detailed analysis of this Doctor Who magazine front cover using the 12 key conventions from the notes. For each one, explain the purpose of the convention and the effect or impact it has on the audience.
The tile of publication is 'DOCTOR WHO' this is written in a big bright font different to the rest of the text on the front page, this highlights the significance of it. The purpose of the title publication is so that the audience can easily identify the magazine from a shelf. r. Although it is overlapped by the Doctors head, it is still readable and still allows the audience to recognise it, so the overlapping does not cause a problem, of it being unreadable.
The slogan is located in the middle of the page and says ''The Doctors past comes back to haunt him.', which is short, snappy and to the point, it is also in bright colours in a bigger text than usual. The main purpose of it is to engage the viewers and create an enigma code of what will happen, creating suspense. The slogan also conveys a hints of what will further occur in the series. This also helps the audience decide whether they want to read it or not. The slogan usually contains verbs which intensifies the narrative, reinforcing the genre.
The central image is the most significant out of the whole front page, as it engages the reader without words, communication occurs through the image.The central image is of the doctor in different forms, which has to relevant to what the front page is about, and what is to come inside. In this the facial expressions have to be clear in order to convey what's happening, to further create enigma codes about what why all three of them are in the central image, reinforcing the slogan about the past. The fact that there is a ray of light coming through the back insinuates that something extraordinary or hopeful will occur, again enforcing another enigma code. This also enhances the genre of the magazine so that its looks appealing to people who are not so interested in Dr who however like the genre.
The flash line is important in the front page of the magazine purely because it is the 2nd thing the audience looks at, this also plays a huge role in attracting the audience. The cover line is bold and takes up alot of the space in the front page, which allows the audience to focus around it eg 'The day of the doctor' insinuates that this an usual event will unfold, it captures the audiences attention as it implies that the episode will be based on the main star. This enhances the vitality of the Doctor and allows us to suture and trigger thoughts about what will happen.
The flash line is important in the front page of the magazine purely because it is the 2nd thing the audience looks at, this also plays a huge role in attracting the audience. The cover line is bold and takes up alot of the space in the front page, which allows the audience to focus around it eg 'The day of the doctor' insinuates that this an usual event will unfold, it captures the audiences attention as it implies that the episode will be based on the main star. This enhances the vitality of the Doctor and allows us to suture and trigger thoughts about what will happen.
The magazine offers a chance to win blu-rays, DVDs, books and CDs. This is is an effective way to engage the reader with the magazine, sometimes this attracts the the audience more then the actual magazine. The prizes that have been put forth increase the chance for the audience to purchase the magazine.
The colour scheme enhances the mood or particular vibe of the magazine, the colour of the magazine cover page has a a huge impact on how captivated the audience is. The colour scheme is usually just a few colours that connote a particular message or work hand in hand with the logo. The colour scheme overall combines the colours to to create a certain impression. For instance the colour scheme in the Doctor Who magazine are dark colours like black and grey however lighter colours are embedded into it too. the colours are symbolic to the narrative and characters of the series.
This is usually situated on the bottom of the front cover, this indicates that it for sale and is for selling purposes.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
How does the trailer promote channel 4's brand image?
The trailer has successfully embedded iconography in the trailer though the use of challenging misconceptions, high production values, shock values, inclusivity/ minority appeal, use of logo, aggressive attitude and huge association with youth culture.
In challenging the misconceptions of disabled people,
being unable to cope with sports or participate in active games promotes
channel fours brand image, because it is not something every Channel will do and
most people will over look it, this enhances the overall perspective towards Channel fours brand image, further more the high production values reinforce the promotions being radiated by Channel four, this is because it looks professional
and advanced and it not on low budget.
Moreover, the shock values are reoccurring frequently
thought out the trailer, the fact that the lady who has a disability in her limb and is still being portrayed as a hard working individual
triggers the audience to understand people with special needs properly and in
more depth ,this is because the audience will realise there is no difference
between them and anyone else, this also engages the audience and enhances Channel fours brand image.the fact that the trailer portrays inclusive attracts and because more appealing to a wider range of audience, the fact that
they are not excluding any groups and are focusing and targeting a minority
appeal makes Channel four seem very liberal and connects people together in a
positive way, overlooking their differences and empowering each other in this
The use of the logo and clearly printed British flag onto
the contestants shirts gives the audience a clear identity to the brand,
however this also depicts a sense of patriarch but is not so significant in
this context due to the amount of positivity in the trailer.
The fact that the people in the trailer were not going to
be passive and display there aggression though close ups and sutured events,
portrays strength and passion therefore promoting Channel fours brand image in a
immensely positive and appealing light. Finally the association with the youth
culture shows that they are not biased and their ideologies are liberal and
appealing to a large audience.
Monday, 26 January 2015
2) Make notes on the lecture: focus on Plan B/Ben Drew's views on the opportunities for young people in London and how these inspired Ill Manors.
Ben Drew gave a very inspirational speech about his view and ideology. He initially started his talk by talking about his background and what inspired him, as well as the experiences he had come across during the course of this journey. He also commented on how the media portrays certain things in a particular light. He believes that the thing that derives these anti social behaviour is the fault of society, for excluding and pushing out and away these certain individuals, making them feel less important.Unlike the rest of society ,he does not believe that it is certain individuals fault that they are surrounded by a dysfunctional negative surrounding however feels empathy for them and conveys what he is doing to make change in our society, he further appeals out to people who can help and work like him in different professions with different abilities, as he no longer relies on politics or people with power to help the youngsters in rundown places of London.
3) What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain your answers.
Plan B has a very independent, optimistic attitude towards politics, he acknowledges that the world of media and politics is unjust. He believes that we need to help our selves as well as others around us, when people more fortunate look down on us, 'not talking about financially, talking about knowledge' , 'theses opportunities that change peoples live'.
He also believes that the government 'take' our taxes and don't do the right thing with it. This depicts that he is unhappy with the current, order or situation with how many is being distributed or how it is dealt with. he further adds 'your just going to have to accept it' implying that he is not the sort of person that would weep over things he knows he has no influence to, making it seem unjust and not listening to people's opinions, he has given up on political beliefs because he knows they are corrupt.
Conversely he adds that money is spent of social workers, who may help youngsters trapped in the frivolous looking gang culture.
4) Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films?
The target audience are people who can fund and help this organisations to disperse money and support the positive work he is spreading within the community. The Psychographics of the audience would be main streamers, people of higher class and people with wealth who are willing to invest their money in an organisation to help shape the lives of the future generation. This is a huge comparison with the the audience to his film Ill manors which shows he is an all rounded person and does not take sides and truly believes everyone is equal regardless of their wealth and class and this is why he is speaking out to people higher up the hierarchy.
5) What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panics? Read this summary of moral panics and the definition from Wikipedia and use them in your answer.
Ben Drew doesn't spark a particular liking towards the media, based on previous accounts as the media has unfairly churned and dismantled the original story he was so excited to share with the general public. This can be linked to Cohens media theory of moral panics, as many people trust and depend on the media and for him to undermine and speak badly of them challenges societies dominant representation.
A moral panic is an intense feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order.[1]Moral panics are in essence controversies that involve arguments and social tension, and in which disagreement is difficult because the matter at its center is taboo.[2] The media have long operated as agents of moral indignation, even when they are not consciously engaged in crusading or muckraking. Simply reporting the facts can be enough to generate concern, anxiety or panic.[3]
Friday, 23 January 2015
Thursday, 22 January 2015
film review -ill mannors
Ill Manors film review.
The film was directed by Ben Drew also very famously known as Plan B,
who appears at the end of the film. Drew has also directed Adulthood and Shifty
(produced in 2008) which has been shown not long back on BBC3.
Ill manors is a Crime Fiction, Drama which takes us in and out
of the perpetual lifestyle of some South Londoners, Drew has fantastically been
able to run his fingers through the knots of our souls by displaying the real
life challenges in today’s society affecting the youth. The narrative in
particular inevitably generates thought and reflection in the audience’s minds
about judging people and not knowing where they have come from or what life has
thrown at them. The genre fits my expectations for this film because of the frequent
forms of violence and also the variety of short drama orientated by everyday
issues within the youth and other relevant people of the same category. However
I do not believe that this is crime fiction purely because the crimes witnessed
in the production occur in every day, I have concluded this because I have seen
it happen, in different forms and arrangements.
I appreciate
the fact that the characters are loyal and steadfast towards their friends and
peers however, sometimes find themselves doing wrong for the right reasons,
which gets them into legal complications. The fact that they are so faithful and
trustworthy towards each other implies that they are not all bad, and this
definitely diverts the stereotype of young Londoners who have come from a
broken home.
The characters
acting skills are effective and powerful to suit and fit into the roles of the
characters, camera work and techniques are also used to enhance the characters
and their roles. The characters have adapted themselves into the correct roles
and slightly altering the script to effectively fit in to their shoes.
The film stars Riz Ahmed, Ed Skrein, Keith
Coggins, Lee Allen, Nick Sagar, Ryan De La Cruz, Anouska Mond and Nathalie Press,
who are not very well known, however this is only to heighten and embed the
realism into the film. Furthermore, this is also viable to have unpopular stars
is to have the film known for its narrative and plot rather than who stars or
acts in it, this allows the viewers to genuinely understand that this can
happen to any ordinary person, nevertheless if it was acted by well recognised
stars the intention of the viewers can easily be diverted. However this may be
argued because Plan B sings in it, this is to portray that he can successfully
collaborate his musical career and implement it into filming, and this is
something which can be seen as a challenge, and sometimes overlooked and
undermined because of this. However he has proven to the film industry how
successfully he can effectively pool resources together to produce something so
powerful and reflecting worthy.
originality of the soundtrack played throughout the film strengthens the
atmosphere and situation of the current mood in the production; this is because
the pace grows faster and effectively adds a through emotion. I really enjoyed
the sound tracks and this is because the lyrics in the tracks would be
carefully chosen to suit and reflect the current scene. The sound track has
meaning to it and expresses and articulates what is happening in the scene
well, this strengthens the emotion and sentiment in the scene.
This is aimed
at the younger audience or even people who are involved with the same sort of
issues or environment to show them that there is a way out and also to imply that
the strengthen to do so has to come from within themselves. The consequences
are shown deliberately at the end or even in the middle of the production which
portrays what is happening. Rhetorical questions and the sound track enhances
the fact that it is targeting the audience and that it should have an effect on
Monday, 19 January 2015
Ill Manors film trailer analysis
What are typical codes and conventions of film trailers- What information is usually provided ?
Key codes and conventions most frequently and heavily used in trailers are Enigma codes, this is embedded to create suspense and also to keep the audience engaged with the trailer. Furthermore Action codes are shown very often, for example short shots of guns, blades or knives are shown to create a sinister effect, creating expectations in the narrative to appeal to the audience.
Moreover, montages are used to speed up the pace of the trailer, resulting it a rapid essence to it, which may lead to confusion and ultimately lead to the audience to be curious about what may occur further in the narrative.
How are the trailers distributed ?
The trailer is structured in a non liner pattern and is not assemble in a specific order rather an irregular formation. This may cause slight confusion, to create ambiguity in the trailer overall. Montages are frequently used as enigma codes, however clips are put in between them to create sense in the narrative. The distribution of the trailer also has a mixture of clips from shots in the beginning and end of the film, all accumulated to be shown in rhythm and has been incorporated strikingly so that it may fit in proportionally with the shots.
How does the trailer Ill Manors trailer use conventions ?
Conventions are used throughout the trailer, Ill Manors does not reveal the whole plot in the trailer however explicitly displayed from key scenes with confusion. Furthermore, the release date is only given at the end of the trailer, this is so that the constant attention attained through the trailer is kept and revealed in the end to inform them after being appealed by the trailer, making the chances of watching the film increase. Moreover the fact the Plan B has directed the film and sings in it attracts the target audience because they would have heard of him and would be interested to watch what he has produced.
Who is the target audience ?
Ill manors has a unique selling point, the fact that it is produced by Plan B attracts the attention of many youngsters. The age group of the audience is 15-25, this is mainly targeted due to the associations with real life common situations these are things like, violence, gun crime and gang related issues. The settings of the film is at a council estate, this may also be done to provoke thought and make the younger audience realise that the consequences to the actions they are heading towards most importantly to convey the fact that they can always distance them selves away from these crimes and people, before its too late. Another technique they have used to engage this particular audience is by the street/slang language they have co-operated within the film, this is the sort of language that even i myself could relate to or understand, which has a huge impact on the audience as it sutures them into the events.
Many of the main stars are shown in the trailer of the film, however many times irrelevant people are also shown, this is due to the fact that during the trailer shots that are more dramatic or convey more about the genre of the film are usually added, discarding the characters relevance to the main narrative. An example of this can be seen when shot of the police are seen frequently during the course of the trailer, regardless of the fact that they do not play a huge or major role in the narrative. However they have effectively been put there to trigger connotations of police, so that the audience is away of the fact that relevance to crime will be shown in the film. Furthermore there is sexual content in the trailer too, this allows people to base there decision on whether they are willing to watch it or not, this is also why the restriction for age rating is so high, so that the audience is warned before hand.
A voice over is used during the course of the film, this is to enhance dramatic effect and also to give us information about the narrative of the film, this makes the film more interesting as there are images, voice overs and music put together in the sequence creating a lively affect on the trailer.
The shots are edited in with the transition of the setting, this allows the audience to familiarise them selves with the urban- council estate settings, so that the audience is more comfortable with it. There are mostly montages embedded within the trailer, these shots are taken because they are quick and snappy, they also convey alot in a very short amount of time this gives away hints of what the film is going to be about and furthermore allows the audience to become more interested into the film, as it sutures them in to the events of it.
How has the genre of the film been represented through characters, settings, lighting, colour, music/dialogue, camera shots/movements/angles and editing?
The genre of the film has been represented clearly though the use of the setting, evidently because of the graffiti and run down high rise buildings, the high buildings portray a sense of a towering and caged up area, which connotes dungeons and dark places of which history has been so bad that it has lead to a prison like area, and there is no turning back. Furthermore the graffiti on the walls portray crime and highlight the fact that the characters lives are in a mess just like the walls and area. However this could also depict a sense of creativity and individuality which is gradually shown during the course of the film.
The characters also represent the genre of the film, this can be conveyed though their rough speech, hardened body language and their thought. The way the characters act sly and slick throughout the trailer reinforces what the film will portray, however in some cases only certain areas and side to persona re shown this is purely because of dramatic effect.
The lighting the trailer is usually low key dark lighting with chiaroscuro to enhance and trigger an evil and grim environment. However the rest of it was natural lighting, due to the fact that the film was a low budget film.
At close up shots the lighting was bright so that the audience may clearly see the facial expressions of the characters which allows us to suture into the narrative. Medium and long shots were used to show the area around the the characters. The colours used were usually dark to enhance and reinforce the theme of the film. Medursts short hand was used to continuously throughout the trailer so that alot could be informed in a short amount of time.
Thursday, 15 January 2015
Project scheduled
Friday 2nd
January – Have all preproduction planning complete
Saturday 2nd and 3rd January – Film montage shots and shots of block. (different locations for the filming of the montage)
Tuesday 6th
January – Film Ayden's initial scene's (going school and visiting shop with friend)
Wednesday 7th January - Make sure everything is up-to-date, if not use today to catch up.
Friday 9th January - Film Elijahs part of the car scene. (building up main disequilibrium)
Saturday and Sunday 10th and 11th - Film the estate scene, where the conflict between Ayden and Elijah occurs.
From Monday 12th to Thursday 15th- Redo any shots that may need to be filmed again.
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
shot list MEST2
Shot number
Shot description
High angle of the whole estate
(Montage) Pan of Ayden walking with his friend
(Montage) Long shot of 2 gangsters approaching Ayden and friend
(Montage) Medium shot of gangsters with blue bag
(Montage) Close-up of the friend’s facial expression (scared)
(Montage) Ayden shakes his head
(Montage) Gangster trying to look convincing
(Montage) Close-up of Ayden and his mother’s hand. He kisses her hand
(Montage) Close-up of the ‘Cancer Ward’ sign in the hospital
(Montage) Long shot/tracking shot from behind, at hip level, of Ayden
leaving the hospital
Medium close up of Ayden’s hands over his face
Long shot of gangsters standing in the park
POV shot from Ayden’s perspective of the gangsters looking back
Medium shot of the 2 talking
Close up of Ayden’s facial expression when discussing his issue
Close up of the blue bag being passed
Medium shot of Ayden leaving his house
Close up of the door shutting
High angle/long shot from the top of the stairs watching Ayden run
POV shot of Ayden looking at the estate when he steps out of his
Tracking shot of Ayden walking, greeting random person
Medium shot of a man approaching Ayden
Close up of the 2 hands ‘spudding’ but exchanging goods
Close up of the £20 sliding into his pocket
POV shot/medium shot of Ayden seeing his friend
Medium shot of the ‘spudding’
Over the shoulder shot of them walking into the shop
Long shot of the products by the cashier with Ayden and Friend
Medium shot of the two talking
Medium shot zooming in whilst they talk to see Ayden touch his friend
Medium close up of the friend’s face when laughing
Close up of the name when the phone rings
POV from friend watching Ayden on the phone leaving the shop
Medium shot of friend receiving money and smiling at cashier-still
hear Ayden’s conversation
Medium close up of Ayden’s face talking
Long shot of Ayden sliding his phone into his pocket and friend
walking towards him
Shot-reverse-shot friend’s face when talking
S-R-S Ayden’s face when talking
S-R-S friend’s face when talking
Long shot of the friend touching his bottom as Ayden turns around to
walk off
Medium close up of Ayden smiling and shaking his head
Long shot of the bus coming closer
Tracking shot of Ayden running for the bus
Close up of Ayden tapping his oyster
Close up of the time on Ayden’s watch
Long shot of Ayden walking towards an alley way
POV shot of Ayden reassuring that no-one’s watching him
Long shot/high angle shot of Elijah walking towards Ayden
Close up of the two hands ‘spudding’
Medium shot of Elijah nodding his head
Close up of Ayden opening the car door
Over the shoulder shot of Ayden texting
Medium close up of the female gangster’s facial expression included
Ayden’s POV shot, close up of Elijah’s face
Elijah’s POV shot of Ayden smiling
Ayden’s POV shot of Elijah talking
Medium shot from the front of the two laughing
Medium close up whilst Elijah is talking-he winks
Medium close up of Ayden smiling
Close-up of Ayden’s hand on Elijah’s lap
Close-up of Elijah’s facial expression-eyebrows frowning
Close-up of Ayden’s facial expression-shocked, intimated
Long shot of the car pulling up
Medium shot of Elijah jumping out the car and walks off
Long shot of Ayden out of the car looking around for Elijah
Tracking shot of group of gangsters running towards Ayden
Establishing shot of Ayden trying to run away
Close up of Ayden’s facial expression as running away
Close up of hand grabbing Ayden’s hoodie
Close up of a hand about to punch Ayden
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